
  • Maverick Sports

    Contract &
    Transfer Negotiation

    Represent professional footballers in contract negotiation, drafting and review. We source the right trials and playing opportunities at the right time and are strategic in these decisions. Our focus is always on the betterment of the player and the sport.

  • Player Brand Development

    Athletes are brands and reputation is key. We look for the right endorsements and sponsorships which suit the player and maximise their commercial potential. We also connect footballers with organisations or brands for ambassadorial roles and appearances, guest speaking engagement, corporate events, marketing campaigns or skills clinics.

  • Social Media Management

    Social media is a vital marketing and communication tool in today’s world. We offer a comprehensive solution to all social media requirements. We create content to increase fan volume, fan participation and lead to engagement growth.

  • Maverick Sports

    Club Liaison

    Player welfare and club relationship management. We assist with player profile creation including resumes, websites and highlights videos.

  • Financial & Wealth Management

    It is important for players to have a foundational understanding of their financial position. Financial education is key. We partner with independent financial and investment advisory firms to assist players with their financial challenges and planning.

  • Maverick Sports

    Lifestyle Management

    Managing the day to day activities of our clients and their families, allowing them to focus on being elite athletes. We also offer support, direction and preparedness for post football opportunities and choices.